"I've found that a good majority of info that they produce now is just a rewrite or copy/paste almost of a previous article sometime in the years past."
There is a lot of repetition. The example you used was not a good one, however. The newer book is an updated version of the other, and not intended to be more than that.
James Free
JoinedPosts by James Free
F&DS - to copy/paste food at the proper time....
by Metamorphosis inin another thread there was quotes from two articles:.
organized to accomplish our ministry (1983) p. 151, par.
1. concerning those who renounced their christian faith in his day, the apostle john wrote: they went out from us, but they were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with us.
James Free
Let he who is without sin cast the first
by MadTiger incherry pit, grape, etc.?!
click here!.
but there is the letter of the law, and the underlying spirit of the law, and i will leave it at that.
James Free
"The deputy estimated that the 10 jellybeans would have had a value of about $2."
Now that's robbery! -
Threefold Cord in Witness Marriages- It's Not Enough to Make Marriage Work
by flipper inhello folks.
thought this would be an important subject to discuss, got the idea for this based on reading from some posters the concern they have for the imbalanced views witnesses have of their marriages.
i have some experience in this, as i was married 19 years to a witness woman (staunch fanatical witness ) , whom i married at age 19 in 1979 as a witness myself.
James Free
"For a marriage to work it takes two people pulling together and being there for each other, committed to the marriage "
This is so true. (And I should know. I have been married 3 times, LOL) -
Being Persecuted- Do Jehovah's Witnesses Relish It, a Notch on Their Belt ?
by flipper ini've had this thought rolling around in my head for a couple days now .
after reading a thread about the subject of hate and witnesses on another thread.
do the witnesses want to be the penultimate martyrs ?
James Free
"Of course they love to think they are persecuted."
I never did, and nobody I knew did. Most JW's do not want the attention, and would even prefer not to have to go door to door. The Org. may like it, but I never met a JW who did. -
where are the partaker numbers and annual reports - sheesh!!
by cultswatter inthe latest news is that there will be no more annual reports in the watchtower magazine.
the annual reports are now supposed to be in the kingdom ministry.
does anyone know which km it will be in, and do you think the wts will delete the partaker numbers??.
James Free
Yea it's time they started to decline in total numbers. Now they are letting kids younger than 10 get baptized. But somehow, no matter how many leave the numbers still go up. It will be great to ask what happened to the speeding up? But they will say now its a sifting work - they have an answer ready for everything.
What are Strangest Grounds For Disfellowshiping You Have Heard Of?
by new boy inin 1961 my father was disfellowshipped for not doing to the kingdom hall he was assigned to.. if i'm lying...my dying!.
it was the glendora california congeration.
the committee was.. john smoley.
James Free
Ray Franz was disfellowshipped for eating with his landlord (He was disfellowshipped). I know someone who asked to be disfellowshipped but the elders said they wanted to help her instead. So she lit up a cigarette in the JC and got her wish.
I knew another guy who got disfellowshipped after being away from the witnesses for years. His wife wanted a divorce and they wanted everyone to know she was able to. What was funny was that hardly anyone in the hall had ever met or heard of him, so there was no way they needed to keep the congregation 'clean'.
are JWs really worse? (or: is every religion a cult?)
by inkling inmany here freely trot out words like "cult" and "indoctrination".
"group-think" and "double talk" in describing witnesses, and my .
question is, if these words are apt (and i think there is a strong .
James Free
Many religions are just as bad. But, because the people here, including me, have experience with the JW's they are our focus.
Refute anti-gay Bible verses
by cloudblue inanyone done some research to refute the handful of anti-gay verses in the bible?
i've done a bit of research on the net.
i don't have the links handy, but most of them centered around the assertion that the original words in those passages were mis-translated.
James Free
cloudblue, I have bad news for you. The Bible does condemn homosexuality and you can't get around it by attempting to refute a passage as a mistranslation. Even if you could, the Bible also says that ANY sexual activity with another outside of marriage is equally wrong, so that applies to straight people too.
So you have a choice - leave things as they are and accept the Bible condemns it, or change to suit the Bible.
There is another way - you call it Bible bashing. You see, if the Bible is not the word of God, then whatever it says is not important and you don't need sleepless night's worrying about something that will never come about anyway.
Personally, I see no reason why God, if he exists, should have such an aversion to homosexuality. What difference does it make? It is much more likely ths is a man-made rule, put in a man-made book in the name of God. Forget it and move on with your life.
Are JW's really hated?
by lfcviking injesus words: .
"the world will hate you just like it has hated me".
the jw's think this passage of scripture spoken by jesus applies to them in this present day.
James Free
Otherwise at the most the JW's are just a pest or an object of amusement to some people. So why is it they have this misconception that they are truly hated?
I used to think that the world hated JW's when I was one. It is what the publications promote to make members feel more isolated and in need of other JW's for support. I also used to think the JW's were a large organization -as big as some European nations - busy preaching all over the Earth.
The truth is a lot different. Most people have little interest one way or another, and know very little about JW's. By far the majority of people in the world have little contact with JW's either, apart from an occasional attempt by JW's on a Saturday to peddle their mags.
I moved away, so I am not known by JW's in my new location. I have looked forward to having a conversation with them when they call - that has yet to happen once in 2 years.
They are actually a very small organisation when considered globally. There are 48 million in the world who are blind - 20,000 children die every day in Asia alone from preventable illnesses etc. 6 million globally is very small. And very few Witnesses who knock doors EVER do more than offer the mags - they RARELY want to/are able to actually discuss religion to any depth.
Have you changed your mind about ABORTION?
by nicolaou ini'm not after a discussion on the rights or wrongs on abortion, what i'm asking is whether or not your views have evolved over time.. perhaps leaving the watchtower was enough to allow your true feelings on abortion to find expression.
maybe abortion is one of those subjects where you still find yourself in agreement with your old jw self.
did becoming a mother change your perspective in any way or solidify your views?.
James Free
Still think it is wrong. I don't judge others though, as I would have done in the past. What others do is their business.
But I personally do not think it is the solution to an unwanted pregnancy, especially when there are so many who would love to adopt. And before someone asks about what if the mother was raped etc. it is a fact that by far the majority of abortions are carried out as a form of post-contraception and economic repair - not good reasons for ending a life, in my opinion.